Saturday, June 27, 2020


Let's draw a cute doggie this time...draw a square with rounded corners...

Add ears...

then his body and front legs...

put feet on his front legs...

add his back legs and feet 
sticking out on the sides...

Time to draw his face...

Now go over all the lines and make him scruffy...

Go over the lines with a black sharpie...

Now you can color him in however you like...
I used markers for my scruffy puppy...

You can add flowers...a sun...
even a flying insect like the bee here...

Here's another puppy you might try drawing...

Or this cute little guy who has the blues...
I made a video tutorial of him you can watch on Facebook or Youtube...just follow the links below...

I hope you enjoyed drawing and coloring puppies...I'd love to see yours in the comments below...



Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Let's draw a cute kittie...draw his ears and the top of his head...

Then draw two long lines down the sides for his body...

Add eyes...

A nose...mouth, and whiskers...

Then add a crooked tail...

Go over your drawing with a black marker...

Color your kittie any color you like...I chose blue and used markers...

Add a background...I did green verticle stripes...

added horizontal green stripes...

and orange dots...
and there you have a really cute kittie...

Stop with one kittie or make several...your are some ideas to get you started...

Be sure and check out my video 
for a tutorial on this one...

Tutorial on Youtube:

Or on Facebook:

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Froggie Hugs

As some of you know I work at an elementary school and our mascot is a is officially over and it's summer break, but we are all missing one another and those Froggie Hugs!
So here are some Froggie Hugs from me to you!

Hugs and love from me to you...hug really tight...

Arms wide open ready for a big hug...

This one I did a video Tutorial for...check out my Facebook page or Youtube...links at the bottom of this post...

Here is a step-by-step picture tutorial for you to do...
Draw two circles for eyes and add smaller circles inside...

Draw his head above the eyes and below...

continue drawing his face and add a big smile...

Add long arms and fingers getting ready for a big hug...

Then add legs and long toes on his feet...

I inked mine in with a sharpie...

Then color him green...I used colored can use whatever you have...

and there you have Froggie Hugs...I hope you enjoyed drawing frogs and I hope you share yours with me in the comments...

 be sure and check out my Facebook Page:

Or Youtube:

Halloween Spider

  I haven't posted in Forever. 🤨 Trying to get started again with this quick Halloween Spider craft. Start with a piece of paper in a...