Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Ocean Waves

It's been so hot outside...just imagine being at a beach somewhere watching and listening to the waves...okay...that sounds great...maybe we can draw some ocean waves...
draw a curly wave like this...

add some lines and shapes...

then another one going the opposite direction...

Draw more waves on one side...

and a few more...

Now for a bright sun...

Finish the sun with some wavy lines...

Maybe another small wave or two...

Ink it in if you wish...

And we are done...
now color it however you wish...

That was fun...If only we could go to a real beach... :)

be sure and check out my Facebook page for a video tutorial:

or look for it on Youtube:

One Fish...Two Fish...

It's summer...and I'm dreaming of beaches and sand...
and fishies...let's draw some...
first, draw an oval...

add a fin on the top and bottom...

Now draw the tail fin...

Add an eye and a smile...

Another type of fish...
another oval but tall instead of long...

Add the fins...

Now the tail fin...

A mouth...

Some tiger stripes...

And an eye...

You can draw more fish...add some coral...

and seaweed...

Draw some small air bubbles...

Ink it in if you want to...

Have fun coloring your drawing...

I hope you enjoyed drawing and coloring your fish sure and check out my video on Facebook:

Or Youtube:

Halloween Spider

  I haven't posted in Forever. 🤨 Trying to get started again with this quick Halloween Spider craft. Start with a piece of paper in a...